Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

Dota 2 Razor

Razor, the lightning revenant, is a ranged position-based agility tank/carry that employs his abilities to deal massive damage in a relatively short amount of time. Among the emblematic powers that populate the underscape, razor the lightning revenant is one of the most feared. with his whip of lightning, he patrols the narrow. Razor - dota 2: strength 21 + 1.70 agility 22 + 2.00 intelligence 19 + 1.80 razor is a ranged agility hero who can ca....

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Dota 2 razor lolz - youtube

Thanks to flawlezz for writing the guide, make sure to check out his youtube channel at: razor from dota 2.. View statistics, top players and guides for razor on dotabuff. Playstyle razor is a fast, tough anti-carry who steals the attack power from his enemies, and transfers it to himself. armed with a desolator, he can quickly melt.

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