Kamis, 15 Desember 2016


Monopoly game, who would not know him. Now the game jar jar resident publicly launched the game is a bit like playing monopoly-style. Its just a different form of the place alone. Jar game download here ... Filetype: Catan. zipFilesize: 392 kbPlatforms: Java (j2me)Download here  176x220  for Sony ericsson SE W810i  K750i240x320  for Nokia 6233  6230i  N95352x416  for Nokia N80240x320  for Sony ericsson SE K810i  S7...
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Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

Download Pc Games Sniper Ghost Warrior FULL VERSION

Description: Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a tactical shooter video game developed and published by City Interactive for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.The game is based around the role of the military sniper, which the developer has noted that the public interest of which has increased thanks in large parts to shows on channels like the History Channel or the Military Channel. The games objective is to insert players into the role of an elite sniper team sent into a hostile area in an attempt to help the rebels of Isla Trueno, a fictitious Latin American country, fight against...
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Baldurs gate

rpg adventure game, Baldurs gate jar files, free jar mobile games, free jar download Filetype: Baldurs gate. zipFilesize: 154.4 KBPlatforms: Java (J2ME)Download here 176x...
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Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

The Settlers 2 10th Anniversary RELOADED

The Settlers 2 : 10th Anniversary | Full Game | Size: 654.24 MBOn the 10th anniversary of The SETTLERS II, This new Settlers game will allow PC gamers to revisit the 1996 classic, enhancing the players’ experience with 3D up-to-date graphics and new gameplay additions.An all-new game engine has also been developed exclusively by Ubisoft’s Blue Byte Studio (Germany) in cooperation with Funatics. This engine will generate an interactive 3D environment and charming comic strip look including beautiful fauna and flora. Typical sound and music effects will underline the bustling atmosphere of the game.System...
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Senin, 12 Desember 2016

Chicken kickin

Kicking chickens will also get the grades or points, as precisely as if you kicked the chicken chicken kickin game Jar Jar is an toward the target in order to really correct. arcade game that can be passed with a variety of levels, this game jar file download here for free. Filetype: Chicken kickin. zipFilesize: 120.5 KBPlatforms: Java (J2ME)Download here  176x208240x320...
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Minggu, 11 Desember 2016

BMW racing

Who does not want to have a free luxury cars like bmw car, only to be wishful thinking to get it because of expensive price tag. If you really want to get it, maybe you need to practice by playing the racing game bmw racing jar. This racing game jar jar file you can download it here for free and easy. Racing with bmw cars and beat your opponent on the circuit that your opponent was using a bmw as well. Be winner in bmw racing car ... Filename: BMW racing. jarFile size: 210 kbPlatforms: Java (j2me)Download here :240×...
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Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Music revolution

Music Revolution is an arcade game jar java in playing music, and probably can be made a place for learning to play music tempo. Now this arcade game jar to jar files you downloaded it here for free, and can be adjusted by phone with LCD screen size of 176x220 pixels. Download the game to add to the collection jar game arcade on your java phone. can be applied only on java based phone and support for all type, model and series of phones that support your mobile java jar file.Filetype: Music revolution. zipFilesize: 123.56 KBPlatforms: Java (J2ME) jarDownload here 176x...
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Rayman 3

Exciting adventure game, with different places this game does not make you bored. Rayman 3 jar can be played on mobile phone java, because the jar file. Collect points in this game, until you get an unexpected bonus. Filetype: Rayman 3.zipFilesize: 153.05 kbRequirment: j2me or midp2Download here: 176 x ...
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Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Samurai shodown

The fight one on one that usually do antare fighter who has a high science of course, a fight that might jar the game you are interested in directly can be downloaded here for free. Jar files samurai shodown game will support all types of mobile Java phones, and supports the screen size of 176x220 lcdscreen mobile phone java. Defeat your opponent fights with deadly super science.Filetype: Samurai shodown. zipFilesize: 201.90.2kbPlatforms: Java (j2me) JarDownload here176x...
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Senin, 05 Desember 2016

PTC Terbaik Di Dunia 2013

Anda sudah tau apa itu PTC? PTC merupakan  salah satu metode mendapatkan rupiah atau dollar hanya dengan mengklik iklan . Kalo dipanjangkan pengetianya Paid To Click (PTC) . Saya sudah ikut program ini sejak lama tapi sempet berhenti tapi di karnakan faktor kangen akhirnya sekarang saya aktif kembali Yah lumayanlah buat namba-nambah uang saku.Ada lebih dari 100 PTC di dunia, tetapi dari sekian banyak  PTC. Cuman 2 PTC yang saya gunakan. Berikut Link PTC yang terpercaya.Clixsense   Cashnhits Semoga PTC Terbaik Di Dunia 2013 di atas bisa membantu Anda dalam mencari...
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Minggu, 04 Desember 2016

Free Download Games Assassins Creed Altaïrs Chronicles HD v3 9 6 Android

Jerusalem, 1191 AD. The Third Crusade between the Crusaders and Saracens is tearing the Holy Land apart.You are Altaïr, a Master Assassin sent by the Order of the Assassins on a quest to steal the Chalice from the Templars in order to end the Crusades. The fate of the Holy Land depends on you...Plunge into this direct prequel to the critically acclaimed Assassins Creed™, offering rich gameplay and a well balanced mix of stealth, chaotic action, and puzzle-solving exploration in the midst of fully 3D-rendered, historical Middle Eastern environments of the Crusades.Incredible variety of acrobatic...
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Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

Project Gotham Racing java game

Racing games can be downloaded at http://www.4shared.com/file/zwZkUFU3ce/ProjectGothamRacing_Glu_Mobile.html.Project Gotham Racing adventure racing java jar games, java Jar game collection.Name: Project Gotham RacingFormat: JARCapacity Building: 1Mb...
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Download IDM 6 15 Build 2 Final Terbaru 2013

DOWNLOAD IDM TERBARU - Download IDM 6.15 Build 2 Final Terbaru 2013 Gratis Tanpa Registrasi Full Version - Download IDM Terbaru Full Crack Free Gratis - Download IDM Terbaru 6.15 Final Full Version Tanpa Register  - DOWNLOAD Internet Download Manager TERBARU Serial Number Gratis - Download IDM Keluaran Terbaru dan Serial Number - Internet Download Manager / IDM Terbaru 2013 + Serial Number - DOWNLOAD IDM TERBARU PATCH - yah kali Blog HTC Akan bagikan IDM Terbaru 2013 dan Serial Number - tepatnya adalah Download IDM 6.15 Final Terbaru 2013 Full VersionDownload IDM Terbaru 2013 6.15 Build...
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Jumat, 02 Desember 2016

Fire fighters city rescue

Firefighters that will save people trapped in the flames, this is a bit difficult if the flames are too big. In a jar game arcade fire fighters - city rescue is a game rescue victims trapped in the flames. Task firefighters not only saved, but also to extinguish the blazing fire, and dangerous. Maybe you are interested in a game this jar jar files can be downloaded here and can be played on your java mobile phone with a 176x220 resolution lcd screen size on your cell phone. Filetype: Fire fighters - city rescue. zipFilesize: 246.72 KBPlatforms: Java (j2me)Download here  176x220240x320 240x320...
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Super hero, Iron man. Adventure game that can be played on mobile java with 240x320 lcd size yand probably is your choice because it fit the size of your java phone. Download jar games adventure Iron Man is free for mobile java 240x320 instead of 176x220 lcd size.Filetype: Ironman. jarFilesize: 195 kbPlatforms: Java (j2me) jarDownload here240x...
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Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

Vampire Romance

Anda adalah Emma, siswa senior yang akan menjalani tahun terasing hidupnya. Melangkahlah memasuki kisah cinta dramatis, dunia supernatural dll ketika memasuki tahun senior di Vampire High. Tapi ujian akhir bukan satu-satunya hal yang Anda harus tempuh dengan selamat. Kendalikan 4 karakter, buat pilihan, berinteraksilah dengan yang lain dan gunakan kekuatan khusus Anda dari membaca pikiran sampai berubah bentuk. Hubungan yang Anda bangun dan keputusan yang Anda buat akan mengubah kisah ketika Anda mengungkapkan rahasia Vampire High. Vampir dan serigala jadi-jadian ada di mana-mana!FeaturesKisah...
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